Episode 209: Avengers: Infinity War

by on Apr.28, 2018, under Avengers, Podcasts, Spoilercast

Avengers Infinity War poster

It’s finally here. Avengers: Infinity War. The culmination of 10 years of Marvel Studios movies and 18 superhero films. In our last podcast for a while Gavin and Iain grab a glass of whiskey and review the film, avoiding spoilers, before diving into a spoiler filled section after the 26th minute.

If you’ve not yet sen the film yet you can catch up with all our previous Avengers related content at in our Avengers Archive.

We won’t be podcasting for a while because Gavin is heading of to New York for a month to appear in “Thicker Than Water” at Joe’s Pub, The Public Theater, on May 18th, 19th, and 20th.

If you happen to be in New York you can buy tickets here.

To let us know what you thought of Avengers: Infinity War ( or Gavin’s acting)  tweet us at @mcnastyprime, @gavyap or @mcyapandfries or email us at podcast@mcyapandfries.com,

GR136-header_slim-left-570x108Don’t forget to check out our Instagram feed here @mcyapandfries and please do drop by our sponsor’s website, Greenroom136.com; makers of handmade urban carry gear, from backpacks to wallets, sidekeeps and more, made right here in Malaysia.  Get 10% of your next purchase at Greenroom136.com using the offer code we read out on the podcast!

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