Behold the Mighty Thor Frog!

by on May.03, 2011, under Podcasts



This week  we review, what else, but “Thor”, the next Marvel hero to jump from the comic book page to the big screen. For those of you worried about such things, our review of Thor in THIS podcast will be completely spoiler free, as we have prepared a separate Thor spoiler-cast, where we discuss the movie, in detail covering plot details of the film, which I’ll put up in a day or too once everyone has had a chance to see the movie.

I think I can fairly say that it’s not a spoiler that Thor Frog over there there is NOT in the movie. He’s just an incredibly dumb thing that we wanted to share

As for the rest of the show we’ve got news of Bill and Ted 3,  rumours that  Arnie may be back again for “Terminator:Retirement”, tales of the the apparent rivalry between Steve McQueen and Bruce Lee and much much more.  All the trailers and pics we mention should be covered by the show notes below, let me know if I’ve missed something, enjoy!

Show Notes:

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