Episode 224: Poltergeist 1982

by on Jul.10, 2020, under Podcasts

After a global pandemic, an almost fatal hardware failure and lot of time with recovery tools we finally bring you our discussion of 1982’s Poltergeist.

We caht about Tobe Hooper, Craig T,curses and Cygor(?) as we reminisce about this fantastic chiller from 1982.

Note: this was recorded in April 2020 at the height of the COVID-19 lockdown in Malaysia, so we may sounds a little more worried than we are now.

As always you can let us know what you think of Poltergeist, and the show, by emailing us at podcast@mcyapandfries.com,  or by finding us on twitter @mcyapandfries (as well as individually at  @gavyap, & @mcnastyprime) or  following us on Instagram  @mcyapandfries! (and at @gavyap77 & @McNastyPrime)

If you want to help support our show click on the banner below to head over to our sponsors Greenroom136.com, where we will get a  percentage of any purchases you make there, helping us to pay for the podcast costs!

Stay Safe out there and hopefully we’ll have a podcast on the original Gremlins out before the end of 2020!

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