Grand Geoff Tarkin’

by on Oct.21, 2011, under Podcasts

aaaand we’re back, kinda. Gavin’s still away so I’ve roped in a very special stand in guest; Geoff, to at least try and keep some kind of regular schedule.

In this week’s show, Geoff and I  review Irish Crime drama  “The Guard”, starrring Brendan Gleeson (Bravehearts Flame haired mate) & Don Chealde (Iron Man’s army buddy MK 2);  “Red State” by Kevin Smith, he of Clerks, Dogma & Mallrats fame, red-neck horror comedy “Tucker and Dale vs Evil” and  the latest Jason Statham movie also starring ROBERT DE NIRO(!!!???) “Killer Elite” .

As usual we also cover all the latest movie news including news of a new electric DeLorean  going on sale soon (heavy!), reviews of “The Thing” , talk of Top Gun 2, and chat about the trailers below, hope you enjoy!

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