Tag: Ernest Cline

Episode 208: Ready Player One

by on Mar.28, 2018, under Podcasts

Steven Spielberg’s adaptation of Ernest Cline’s Ready Player One is finally here and…. it’s pretty good!!

On this week’s podcast Iain and Gavin share their experiences with the book, the band Rush and review the film; discussing what they think of the changes made for the silver screen and some of their favourite geeky moments from the film. We try and keep things mostly spoiler  free until around the 23rd minute.

Love it, hate it let us know what you  think of the book and film by tweeting us at @mcnastyprime, @gavyap or @mcyapandfries or by emailing us at podcast@mcyapandfries.com,

And don’t forget to check out our Instagram feed here https://www.instagram.com/mcyapandfries/

AGR136-header_slim-left-570x108s always, the McYapAndFries movie podcast is brought to you by Greenroom136.com , makers of handmade  urban carry gear, from backpacks to wallets, sidekeeps and more, made right here in Malaysia.  Get 10% of your next purchase at Greenroom136.com using the offer code we read out on the podcast!

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