Tag: Marvel Cinematic Universe

Podcast 235: Deadpool And Wolverine

by on Jul.31, 2024, under Podcasts

Deadpool and Wolverine, McYapAndFries style

Only one man…ok two men could get us to record a podcast so soon after the last one, DEADPOOL AND WOLVERINE!

We weren’t going to miss the chance to talk X-Men, the return of Hugh Jackman, how was Wolverine’s hair and suit, whether Deadpool talked too much and of course share our thoughts on all references and cameos throughout the movie.

Join us as we amuse ourselves at Ryan Reynold’s, Hugh Jackman’s and Marvel’s expense and share all the juicy details we enjoyed in the movie. If somehow you STILL haven’t seen Deadpool and Wolverine, we hold off on discussing spoilers until 16:48 , but short version; if you liked the first 2 you’ll probably like this.

Let us know what you thought of the movie at podcast@mcyapandfries.com or on social media :

Click the images below to open the podcast in your player of choice, and leave us a review if you’d like.

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Podcast 199: Thor: Ragnarok Spoilercast

by on Nov.09, 2017, under Avengers, Podcasts, Spoilercast

Thor: Ragnarok podcast

Iain and Gavin sit down with some Asgardian ale to discuss the latest adventure for Marvel’s space vikings in Thor:Ragnarok and what could be the funniest Marvel Studios movie so far, although it’s not without it’s dark edges.

We go easy on the spoilers for our review at first before diving into a spoiler section at the end to discuss the finer plot details of the God Of Thunder’s latest exploits and possible directions for the Marvel universe post-Ragnarok, so you’re probably better off waiting to listen to the podcasts until after you’ve seen the movie.

Have your say on what you thought of the film, and our review, by emailing us at podcast@mcyapandfries.com or tweeting either of us at @mcnastyprime or  @gavyap.

Our podcast is proudly brought to you by Greenroom 136.com, a Malaysian independent bag company, specialising in urban bags, ranging from single strap messenger style sling bags and attaches to back packs, to bags for your LIGHTSABERS!

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Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Spoilercast

by on May.26, 2017, under Avengers, Podcasts, Spoilercast

GotGVol2Featured2Better late than never, Iain and Gavin discuss James Gunn’s triumphant return to the Marvel COSMIC Universe in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

This is a spoiler podcast so if you’ve not seen the film we recommend you hold off listening to the podcast until you’ve seen it.

If you want to have your say email us on podcast@mcyapandfries.com, tweet us @mcyapandfries or reach us individually by tweeting Gavin at @gavyap or Iain at @mcnastyprime

We’d also appreciate it if you could take a look at our sponsor Greenroom 136.com. Head on over to greenroom136.com/shop and purchase a bag today.


Listen to the podcast for a discount code for 10% off your purchase!

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