Archive for April, 2022

Episode 227: Bruce Willis: A Celebration

by on Apr.11, 2022, under Podcasts

The Many Faces of Bruce Willis

We couldn’t let the recent announcement that Bruce Willis is retiring from acting go without comment so what better time to celebrate the life, the career and roles of the man who redefined the actions hero for many of us.

Yes Gavin and Iain are back with another podcast eschewing the limits of format or forward planning, for a wander down memory lane as we discuss  what Bruce Willis’ on screen career has meant to us over the years. From Die Hard to Death Becomes Her , Last Man Standing to Hudson Hawk, Pulp Fiction to The Fifth Element.

Click on the images below to  open the podcast in your podcast player of choice , and if you could leave us a review that would help us out loads, thanks.

As always let us know what you thought of the podcast, or if you want to share your favorite Bruce Willis memories by emailing us at,  messaging us on us on twitter @mcyapandfries or individually @gavyap, & @mcnastyprime or   by following us on Instagram ( @mcyapandfries,  @gavyap77 & @McNastyPrime).

Things have changed around these parts so look forward to more content from Malaysia’s longest running podcast™ in the coming weeks and months.


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