So Where is this Week’s Podcast?

by on Apr.23, 2012, under Newspost

Derek had the distinct feeling the interior decorator was taking the piss with his latest "creation"

Due to scheduling conflicts I’m afraid that there’s no podcast this week, but we’ll make up for it next week which should be our MIGHTY AVENGERS-CAST!  (knowing us it should  be about 6 hours long!)

It’s proably a good thing as my review was going to be The Cabin in the Woods, one of the most difficult films  to review without spoiling it, EVER.  All I can say about it is, if you enjoyed and laughed at Scream , The Evil Dead films, Freddy, and Jason,  etc.  you’ll definitely get a kick out of it and should go see it now!

Seriously go see it and support smart, funny cinema!

Until next week…EXCELSIOR!!

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