Tag: Prometheus

Prometheus Spoiler-Cast

by on Jun.10, 2012, under Podcasts

David AFTER he's heard the Prometheus spoilercast

With our abiding love of Sir Ridley Scott’s work, the fantastic Alien universe he created, the sinister machinations of the Weylan (later -Yutani) company as well as our feelings on the actual film, we couldn’t just leave it at a spoiler free review of Prometheus in the main show, and so McYapandFries present our Prometheus Spoiler-cast where we hold nothing back in discussing the films plot points, ending,  sucesses (and failures) and where the franchise could possibly go from here.

CONTAINS SPOILERS! Seriously it’s in the headline and everything, don’t listen if you haven’t seen Prometheus!!

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Bubble Boy gets stressed and doesn’t know where he is!

by on Jun.10, 2012, under Podcasts

David Hears that "Prometheus" is getting the McYapandFries treatment

After all the anticipation, we finally get to see the product of visionary director Ridley Scott’s return to Sci-fi on this week’s podcast, as Gavin and I review Prometheus. No need to worry about spoilers, as usual we steer well clear of those, however we will be discussing the plot in obsessive detail in a separate, spoiler-infected, Promethe-cast which should be available soon.

Also this in this week’s show I also review Malaysian movie Nasi Lemak 2.0, we talk about new trailers for the latest from Quentin Tarantino, Denzel Washington and um…Disney Animation along with a few cool posters, and the usual distractions such as Gavin’s feelings on Jake GyllenHATE.

Show Notes

Things! Of the week!

And finally, just to prove Gavin wrong here’s the link to my 2009 review of Wristcuters:A Love Story

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Best Superhero Movie Ever?

by on May.01, 2012, under Podcasts

Yes…it’s finally here

The road that began years or decades ago when you first heard of or read your first Avengers comic, or that began for us in Summer 2010 when we first saw Earth’s Mightiest Heroes assembled on stage at San Diego Comic Con, ends this week with the release of Marvel’s The Avengers in cinemas across the world (everywhere that is except America this week for some reason).

As you can guess Gavin and I “go deep” on our review in this week’s cast but for the cautious we do avoid spoilers until the 45th minute of the cast, and we very clearly state this, so you can’t blame anyone but yourself if you hear too much.

This weeks’s show also has a very quick, non-spoilery review of The Cabin in the Woods and some of the usual news for which the show notes are below, Enjoy!


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