Tag: Stephen King

Episode 195: Stephen King’s IT

by on Sep.18, 2017, under Podcasts

Join us as we take a trip to Derry, Maine, USA and check out the latest version of Stephen King’s IT. Sit and visit a while with with Pennywise the Clown, as we reminiscence about the 1990’s version and discuss the movie.

Let us know what YOU think of the film by emailing us at podcast@mcyapandfries.com, or reaching us on twitter at @mcnastyprime and @gavyap!

The McYapAndFries movie podcast is brought to you by Greenroom 136.com, a Malaysian independent carry gear /backpack company specialising in various urban bags ranging from messenger style, backpacks, wallets, camera inserts and related accessories.

Check out greenroom136.com/shop and purchase a bag today!  Listen to the podcast for a discount code for 10% off your next purchase!!


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Episode 194: The Dark Tower

by on Aug.04, 2017, under Podcasts

On this week’s podcast we dive into the imagination of Stephen King as we review the adaptation of His Dark Tower book series, starring Idris Elba and Matthew McConaughey.

Let us know what YOU think of the film by emailing us at podcast@mcyapandfries.com, or reaching us on twitter at @mcnastyprime and @gavyap!

On the podcasts Iain mentions a press junket that toured Bangor, Maine, home of Stephen King. You can see pics and details of the event on twitter here.

As ever the McYapAndFries movie podcast is brought to you by Greenroom 136.com, a Malaysian independent bag company specialising in various urban use bags ranging from messenger style, backpacks, wallets, camera inserts and related accessories.

Check out greenroom136.com/shop and purchase a bag today!

Listen to the podcast for a discount code for 10% off your purchase!


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