Tag: Transcendence

McBlank and Fries

by on Apr.28, 2014, under Podcasts

Spielberg's first attempt at Dinosaurs didin't go so well

We’re back (again) and I’m pretty sure we’ve used this picture before, and will no doubt use it again.
In Gavin’s continued absence, McYapandFries will continue with regular guest stars such as this week’s irregular contributor Chi Ren Choong,  who joins us to provide his thoughts on Captain America:The Winter Soldier, Transcendence and Snowpiercer.

Over the coming weeks and months we’ll try and build up a rotating cast of guest podcasters, so if YOU have a decent microphone and internet connection, let us know and  you could join us on the show!

Get in touch via the contact us form here or by sending an email to podcast@mcyapandfries.com! We might not be able to record with everyone due to technical difficulties… but we’ll damn well try!

Show Notes:


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