Episode 163 Pancakes, PANCAKES!

by on Feb.03, 2016, under Podcasts

163 pancakes1

On this week’s podcast Gavin reviews Malaysian football movie Ola Bola, and Quentin Tarantino’s The Hateful 8, while Iain takes a look at Leonardo Di Caprio in The Revenant and Joe Kelley’s run on the Deadpool comics.

Also on this week’s show we also announce our latest competition where YOU can win a large black JunkMonkey deluxe pro single strap urban bag, with upgraded quick release harness from our proud sponsors at Greenroom136.com!

To enter, listen to the podcast for the question and send your answer to podcast@mcyapandfries.com

For more information on the JunkMonkey click here and check out the video of the quick release harness below


We’ll be running  the competition for a few weeks, but we recommend you get your entries in sooner rather than later!

Here’s the links for any trailers or cool stuff we talk about in the show notes below:


Show Notes:


Cool Stuff!


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