Episode 221: Toy Story 4

by on Jun.20, 2019, under Podcasts

They said it couldn’t be done,  shouldn’t be done, and yet with Toy Story 4 Pixar have once again managed to melt the cold stone hearts of Iain and Gavin, while simultaneously making them laugh more than any other comedy this year!

Check out the podcast for our full review , we  keep it spoiler free  for the first 116 minutes before diving into some of our favourite moments from the film. DO NOT LISTEN TO THE SPOILER  SECTION IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN THE MOVIE! YOU’RE ONLY RUINING IT FOR YOURSELVES!

As usual let us know what you thought of the movie and our review by emailing us at podcast@mcyapandfries.com,  find us on twitter @mcyapandfries (as well as individually at  @gavyap, & @mcnastyprime) & follow us on Instagram  @mcyapandfries! (and at @gavyap77 & @McNastyPrime)

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