Tag: Peter Stormare

Episode 186: John Wick Chapter 2

by on Feb.27, 2017, under Podcasts


People keep asking if he’s back, Gavin and Iain reckon HE’S BACK  as they discuss John Wick Chapter 2 in depth.

Also on this weeks podcast we continue our competition to win a Metromonger compact, single strap, urban bag, from our sponsors greenroom136.com as seen below.MetromongerBack

Send your entries to podcast@mcyapandfries.com, we’ll be running this competition for a few weeks but you should get your entries in as soon as possible!

You can also be a part of the podcast by:

  1. emailing us at podcast@mcyapandfries.com
  2. tweeting us at @McYapAndFries,
  3. messaging us on Facebook
  4. or using the Contact Us form here on the site.

As always the podcast is brought to you by greenroom136.com. Use the discount code in the podcast for 10% off your next purchase!


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