Tag: relationship status

What’s YOUR status?

by on Jan.08, 2012, under Podcasts

What's YOUR status baby? If it's unconcious then that's ok I can work with that...

This week we are very proud to present our review of “Relationship Status” the new Malaysian made movie starring a very talented young actor, Mr, Gavin Yap, (who even pops in to the show after the review to answer some questions!)

Also on this week’s show we have reviews  of George Clooney’s latest directorial effort the “Ides of March”, as well as the directorial debut of Richard Ayoade (he who played big haired Moss in the “I.T. Crowd” TV series); “Submarine”.

All of this plus our new feature…GAVIN’S TOY OF THE WEEK!
As usually check the links below for everything we talk about on the show!

Show Notes:


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