Tag: You Mean the World to me

Epsiode 189: You mean the World To Me

by on May.15, 2017, under Podcasts

You Mean The World To MeAfter an extended hiatus we’re back with a review of local Malaysian movie “You Mean the World to me“. Written and directed by  Saw Teong Hin, this semi-autobiographical film  is based on a stage play also by Saw Teong Hin and is set in Penang.

As with most local films, it might not stick around in cinemas long, so if you like the sound of what you hear you should probably check it out as son as you can.

Also on this week’s show we FINALLY announce the winners of our greenroom136.com Metromonger competition!

Greenroom 136.com proudly sponsor our show so if you’d like to show your support heard over to greenroom136.com/shop and purchase an bag today.


Listen to the podcast for a discount code for 10% off your purchase!

Also keep an eye out for our next podcast , a spoiler-cast, coming soon!

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