Tag: Avengers:Age Of Ultron

New podcast around the corner!

by on May.13, 2015, under Newspost


A mystery special guest? Who could it be?

It’s been a  while but we’ll FINALLY have a new podcast for you soon, as we are recording this weekend!

As Gavin is still away  we’ll have a special guest on to discuss the latest movie news as well as review Mad Max: Fury Road, Tomorrowland, and we’ll probably end up talking about Avengers: Age Of Ultron for a bit as well.

If you have any comments on any recent films or anything you’d like us to discuss on the podcast email us at podcast@mcyapandfries.com


Also Iain guest starred on the Geeks in Malaysia podcast recently to discuss all things Marvel, From Avengers to Daredevil and beyond. Keep an eye out on http://www.geeksinmalaysia.com/ for when it becomes available for download!




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