Tag: Tomorrowland

The Uma & Iain Show

by on May.18, 2015, under Podcasts


Guess podcaster Umapagan Ampikaipakan

…and we’re back!…..sorta. With Gavin still away in Singapore (for the play Tribes, which is running from 22 May – 7 June 2015 at the Drama Centre Theatre Singapore), I had to source some substitutes and that took a little longer than expected. Thankfully I was able to find someone in the form of Umapagan Ampikaipakan of BFM and the Cooler Lumpur Festival who in joins me on this week’s cast to ramble about all the geeky movie, TV and comic book news of the last few months.

Also on this week’s show we review Mad Max:Fury Road, Brad Bird’s Tomorrowland and SPY starring Melissa McCarthy, Jude Law and Jason Statham

Here’s the show notes for most, if not all the items we talked about on the show:

Cool Stuff


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New podcast around the corner!

by on May.13, 2015, under Newspost


A mystery special guest? Who could it be?

It’s been a  while but we’ll FINALLY have a new podcast for you soon, as we are recording this weekend!

As Gavin is still away  we’ll have a special guest on to discuss the latest movie news as well as review Mad Max: Fury Road, Tomorrowland, and we’ll probably end up talking about Avengers: Age Of Ultron for a bit as well.

If you have any comments on any recent films or anything you’d like us to discuss on the podcast email us at podcast@mcyapandfries.com


Also Iain guest starred on the Geeks in Malaysia podcast recently to discuss all things Marvel, From Avengers to Daredevil and beyond. Keep an eye out on http://www.geeksinmalaysia.com/ for when it becomes available for download!




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