Tag: Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice

Episode 191: Wonder Woman

by on Jun.10, 2017, under Podcasts, Spoilercast


Gavin and Iain may have agreed to disagree when it came to Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice but you’ll have to listen to this week’s podcast to find out what they thought of Gal Gadot in Wonder Woman and how many times two people can say the phrase “No Man’s Land” in a single podcast!

If by some chance you’ve not yet seen the movie we only start talking spoiler after the 25th minute if you are worried about that sort of thing.

Here’s the video on Moments vs Scenes by the Nerdwriter on YouTube that Iain referrs to in the  show

Our show is sponsored by the good people at Greenroom 136.com and it would help us out a lot if you checked out greenroom136.com/shop and purchase a bag today.


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Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice Spoiler-cast!

by on Mar.28, 2016, under Podcasts


Gavin and Iain dedicate a whole episode to Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, talking plot , spoilers, their thoughts, complaints, everything. One of them liked it, the other…not so much. And so the stage is set for an epic confrontation…or a polite conversational one. As this is a spoiler-cast we’ll announce the winner of the JunkMonkey bag from GreenRoom136.com on the very next podcast! Stay tuned until then!

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