Tag: Aquaman

Episode 216: Aquaman

by on Jan.09, 2019, under Podcasts

On our latest, “timely” podcast Gavin and Iain plumb the the “depths” of James Wan’s runaway (financial) success and saviour of the DCEU; Aquaman!

Yeah we know we’re a bit late on this one but we recorded it before our Glass review and thought that one should go out earlier as we saw it well in advance. More of you have had time to catch Aquaman now anyway, so grab your favourite beverage, kick back and relax as we discuss the movie in “depth”. (we keep the spoiler discussion to their own section at the end of the podcast if you still haven’t seen Aquaman)

Let us know what you thought of the movie and our review on twitter (at @gavyap, @mcnastyprime & @mcyapandfries) follow us on Instagram (@gavyap77, @McNastyPrime & @mcyapandfries!) and if you want to help support the show head over to Greenroom136.com, purveyors of fine urban carry gear, backpacks and bags of all sorts, using this link and a % of any purchase will go to helping us pay for the podcast!

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Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice Spoiler-cast!

by on Mar.28, 2016, under Podcasts


Gavin and Iain dedicate a whole episode to Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, talking plot , spoilers, their thoughts, complaints, everything. One of them liked it, the other…not so much. And so the stage is set for an epic confrontation…or a polite conversational one. As this is a spoiler-cast we’ll announce the winner of the JunkMonkey bag from GreenRoom136.com on the very next podcast! Stay tuned until then!

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