Tag: Paul Reiser

Episode 223: Jim Cameron’s Aliens

by on Apr.09, 2020, under Podcasts

It only took a global pandemic but we’re back again and trying out something a little different this time.

Seeing as we’re not catching many new movies  at cinemas these days, we decided to revisit some classics. and after running a poll on our social media accounts we settles on Jim Cameron’s Aliens from 1986. Yes. this time it’s war as we discuss Cameron’s almost perfect sequel, the amazing performances tech monster and more!

Join us as we chat about our love for Sgt. Apone, dropships, Sigourney Weaver, amazing scripts, knife tricks cornbread and the late great Bill Paxton and the boo his performance by Paul Reiser

If you voted for Gremlins or Poltergeist in our polls don’t worry, we should have something on these soon as the COVID-19 related isolation continues.

As always you can let us know what you think of the show by emailing us at podcast@mcyapandfries.com,  or by finding us on twitter @mcyapandfries (as well as individually at  @gavyap, & @mcnastyprime) or  following us on Instagram  @mcyapandfries! (and at @gavyap77 & @McNastyPrime)

If you want to help support our show click on the banner below to head over to our sponsors Greenroom136.com, where we will get a  percentage of any purchases you make there, helping us to pay for the podcast costs (we think)!

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Podcast 200: Stranger Things Spoiler Podcast

by on Nov.20, 2017, under Podcasts, Spoilercast

Wow. We actually made it to 200 podcasts! Thanks to the tremendous amount of planning that goes into each show, however you won’t hear us talk about that fact at all in the show, as Iain only realised we’d reached 200 when he was editing the podcast!

This works out pretty good for you, dear listener, as we concentrate on our spoiler filled discussion of Stranger Things season 2 instead of faffing on about the last 200 podcasts!

Join us as we visit with Bob, Joyce, Sheriff Hopper, Dustin, Lucas, Will, Mike, Eleven, Max and all the other residents of Hawkins, Indiana and talk about everything that happens to them in season 2 from the opening moments of the podcast; so we highly recommend you not listen unless you have finished all nine episodes of season 2.

What did you think of season 2? You can let us know by emailing us at podcast@mcyapandfries.com or tweeting either of us at @mcnastyprime or at @gavyap.

As always our podcast is proudly brought to you by Greenroom 136.com, an independent bag company from Malaysian, who specialise in urban bags for the modern urban citizen, ranging from single strap messenger style sling bags and attaches to back packs all the way to bags for holding your LIGHTSABERS!

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