Tag: Rogue One: A star Wars Story

Episode 181: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

by on Dec.17, 2016, under Podcasts, Spoilercast

It’s finally here, the first standalone (ish)  adventure in the Star Wars universe Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.rogueone_onesheeta

On this week’s podcast we review the movie, without discussing spoilers, first then read out some thoughts from our listeners before diving into spoilers at the end, with a big spoiler warning beforehand, so you can listen up until then if you’ve not seen the movie.

As always you can let us know what you thought of our reviews by emailing us at podcast@mcyapandfries.com, tweeting us at @McYapAndFries, contacting us on Facebook or using the Contact Us form here on the site. As always the podcast is brought to you by greenroom136.com. Use the discount code in the podcast for 10% off your next purchase!


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