Tag: Star Wars

Podcast 203: Star Wars the Last Jedi Review and spoilercast

by on Dec.16, 2017, under Podcasts, Spoilercast

Star Wars: The Last Jedi Spoiler podcast

On this week’s podcast, Iain and Gavin first share their SPOILER-FREE thoughts on Star Wars: The Last Jedi, before delving into a special spoiler section from around the 28 minute mark in the show, to talk about the real nitty gritty of the plot and events of the film, for those who’ve already seen it.

As usual , feel free to let us know what you thought of the continuing adventures in a galaxy far, far away by emailing us at podcast@mcyapandfries.com or by tweeting either of us at @mcnastyprime or at @gavyap. We’ll read out any comments we like on on a future podcast.

Also on this week’s show we continue Greenroom136.com competition! Listen to this week’s podcast to hear the question, email your answers to podcast@mcyapandfries.com and you could be in with a chance to win a Genesis backpack from our sponsors Greenroom136.com!

Find out more about the Genesis backpack on Greenroom136’s website by clicking here.

Even if you don’t win the Genesis backpack you can get 10% off your next purchase at greenroom 136.com by using the discount code we read out on the podcast!


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Episode 181: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

by on Dec.17, 2016, under Podcasts, Spoilercast

It’s finally here, the first standalone (ish)  adventure in the Star Wars universe Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.rogueone_onesheeta

On this week’s podcast we review the movie, without discussing spoilers, first then read out some thoughts from our listeners before diving into spoilers at the end, with a big spoiler warning beforehand, so you can listen up until then if you’ve not seen the movie.

As always you can let us know what you thought of our reviews by emailing us at podcast@mcyapandfries.com, tweeting us at @McYapAndFries, contacting us on Facebook or using the Contact Us form here on the site. As always the podcast is brought to you by greenroom136.com. Use the discount code in the podcast for 10% off your next purchase!


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Star Wars The Force Awakens Spoilercast

by on Jan.11, 2016, under Podcasts, Spoilercast


Better late than never, we kick off 2016 with our in-depth, spoiler-filled, discussion of The Force Awakens.


Plus, if you haven’t seen the movie already what have you been doing!?

If you’d like to share your thoughts on the movie with us or you agree/disagree with us on any of the points we talk about, let us know by emailing us at podcast@mcyapandfries.com, tweeting at us at @mcyapandfries, @gavyap or @mcnastyprime or you can leave a comment or send us a message via our Facebook page.

Stay tuned for our next regular podcast soon!


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Podcast 159: Arcane Reality

by on Nov.05, 2015, under Podcasts

Green Room 136 Store
Podcast 159 Arcane Reality_Scaled_600On this week’s show we take a look at James Bond’s latest cinematic outing in Spectre, Ben Kingsley and Ryan Reynolds becoming one in  Self/Less, and Vin Diesel’s one man war on the supernatural in The Last Witch Hunter.

Gavin also takes a look at recent comics Bizarro and Journey to the Force Awakens:Shattered Empire, you get a new “Duck Rice” update and some tales from the set of the upcoming Buku Fixi short film Breaking Point from Doghouse 73 Pictures.

As usual the podcast this week is proudly sponsored by Greenroom136.com, check out their new  OttoBook Travel,  a travel companion for all your travel needs in one convenient wallet that can be  tethered to your bag or waist with a carabinier. Buy it at http://greenroom136.com/shop or retail at pop by jaya one and istore at Publika.

Show Notes:

Cool Stuff!


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