Tag: Stan Lee

Episode 213: Stan Lee, William Goldman, The Hate U Give and Fantastic Beasts 2

by on Nov.24, 2018, under Podcasts

…and we’re back. Again.

On this latest podcast we pay tribute to the late greats Stan Lee and William Goldman, discuss Detective Pikachu and while plumbing the depth of Gavin’s Pokémon knowledge before (eventually) reviewing The Hate U Give & Fantastic Beasts 2: The Crimes of Grindelwald.

Also we should note that we had some technical difficulties while editing the podcast so it may get a little choppy near the and and kind of just ends abruptly. Sorry about that!

Send your complaints to @gavyap on twitter, send your praise to @mcnastyprime and follow the podcast a @mcyapandfries on both twitter and Instagram to keep up with the latest podcast!

Show Notes ( yes they’re back!)

…and don’t forget to head on over greenroom136.com and show them some love and buy a backpack or urban carry gear!

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Podcast 159: Arcane Reality

by on Nov.05, 2015, under Podcasts

Green Room 136 Store
Podcast 159 Arcane Reality_Scaled_600On this week’s show we take a look at James Bond’s latest cinematic outing in Spectre, Ben Kingsley and Ryan Reynolds becoming one in  Self/Less, and Vin Diesel’s one man war on the supernatural in The Last Witch Hunter.

Gavin also takes a look at recent comics Bizarro and Journey to the Force Awakens:Shattered Empire, you get a new “Duck Rice” update and some tales from the set of the upcoming Buku Fixi short film Breaking Point from Doghouse 73 Pictures.

As usual the podcast this week is proudly sponsored by Greenroom136.com, check out their new  OttoBook Travel,  a travel companion for all your travel needs in one convenient wallet that can be  tethered to your bag or waist with a carabinier. Buy it at http://greenroom136.com/shop or retail at pop by jaya one and istore at Publika.

Show Notes:

Cool Stuff!


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