Tag: The Amazing Spider-man 2

The Yappies Awards 2013

by on Dec.13, 2013, under Podcasts

It’s hard to believe that Christmas is almost upon us and yet another year has almost passed us by. During this week’s podcast, as well as the usual news and reviews of the live action Gatchaman movie & The Lone Ranger, we took the opportunity to sum up the year in movies with our first “Yappies” awards, featuring such categories as “Movies so fucked up I didn’t even bother watching them”, “Soundtrack most likely to induce cardiac arrest”, “Best use of a Britney Spears song in a movie” and many more .

This is probably the last podcast for 2013 but if you have your own personal awards categories for this year’s crop of films, feel free to send them in to podcast@mcyapadnfires.com, or tweet them to Gavin or I  and we’ll share them on the next podcast.

Here’s the show notes:

and finally, even though it was released AFTER we recorded the podcast here’s a link to the awesome first trailer for the return of Godzilla

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