Tag: Forest Whitaker

Podcast 204: Black Panther Review, Spoilercast and Greenroom136 Genesis Prize Winner

by on Feb.18, 2018, under Avengers, Podcasts


Iain and Gavin are back after their most recent break to discuss what we’ve been up to (#LegendOfPontianak) announce the winner of our Greenroom136.com Genesis backpack and provide our thoughts on Marvel’s Black Panther. As usual we keep all spoiler talk to the very end of the podcast.

GR136-header_slim-left-570x108Don’t worry if you weren’t lucky enough to win the Genesis Backpack in our competition, you can still buy a Greenroom136 bag and get 10% off by using the discount code we read out on the podcast! This includes the sidekeep (pic below) that Gavin talks about using while making his film on the podcast.


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Podcast 100!

by on Apr.16, 2012, under Podcasts


Nope, we've not even made ONE of these doing this bloody show

Yes, not only have we managed to do another podcast only the week after the last one, but  this week’s show also marks the 100 episode (I’m not evevn kidding!).

With our usual panache, style and attention to  preparation we’ve done absolutely nothing special for this week’s podcast to celebrate and instead we get on with the very important work of chatting about movies, insulting our audience (and Forest Whitaker) and reviewing John Carter of Mars, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy and of course (!!?) A Very Harold & Kumar Christmas.

As usual here’s the show notes for anything we referenced on the show in case you want to take a look with us:

Lets see if we can manage another 100!! or maybe … 8!

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