
Episode 209: Avengers: Infinity War

by on Apr.28, 2018, under Avengers, Podcasts, Spoilercast

Avengers Infinity War poster

It’s finally here. Avengers: Infinity War. The culmination of 10 years of Marvel Studios movies and 18 superhero films. In our last podcast for a while Gavin and Iain grab a glass of whiskey and review the film, avoiding spoilers, before diving into a spoiler filled section after the 26th minute.

If you’ve not yet sen the film yet you can catch up with all our previous Avengers related content at in our Avengers Archive.

We won’t be podcasting for a while because Gavin is heading of to New York for a month to appear in “Thicker Than Water” at Joe’s Pub, The Public Theater, on May 18th, 19th, and 20th.

If you happen to be in New York you can buy tickets here.

To let us know what you thought of Avengers: Infinity War ( or Gavin’s acting)  tweet us at @mcnastyprime, @gavyap or @mcyapandfries or email us at podcast@mcyapandfries.com,

GR136-header_slim-left-570x108Don’t forget to check out our Instagram feed here @mcyapandfries and please do drop by our sponsor’s website, Greenroom136.com; makers of handmade urban carry gear, from backpacks to wallets, sidekeeps and more, made right here in Malaysia.  Get 10% of your next purchase at Greenroom136.com using the offer code we read out on the podcast!

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Podcast 204: Black Panther Review, Spoilercast and Greenroom136 Genesis Prize Winner

by on Feb.18, 2018, under Avengers, Podcasts


Iain and Gavin are back after their most recent break to discuss what we’ve been up to (#LegendOfPontianak) announce the winner of our Greenroom136.com Genesis backpack and provide our thoughts on Marvel’s Black Panther. As usual we keep all spoiler talk to the very end of the podcast.

GR136-header_slim-left-570x108Don’t worry if you weren’t lucky enough to win the Genesis Backpack in our competition, you can still buy a Greenroom136 bag and get 10% off by using the discount code we read out on the podcast! This includes the sidekeep (pic below) that Gavin talks about using while making his film on the podcast.


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Podcast 199: Thor: Ragnarok Spoilercast

by on Nov.09, 2017, under Avengers, Podcasts, Spoilercast

Thor: Ragnarok podcast

Iain and Gavin sit down with some Asgardian ale to discuss the latest adventure for Marvel’s space vikings in Thor:Ragnarok and what could be the funniest Marvel Studios movie so far, although it’s not without it’s dark edges.

We go easy on the spoilers for our review at first before diving into a spoiler section at the end to discuss the finer plot details of the God Of Thunder’s latest exploits and possible directions for the Marvel universe post-Ragnarok, so you’re probably better off waiting to listen to the podcasts until after you’ve seen the movie.

Have your say on what you thought of the film, and our review, by emailing us at podcast@mcyapandfries.com or tweeting either of us at @mcnastyprime or  @gavyap.

Our podcast is proudly brought to you by Greenroom 136.com, a Malaysian independent bag company, specialising in urban bags, ranging from single strap messenger style sling bags and attaches to back packs, to bags for your LIGHTSABERS!

Check out greenroom136.com/shop and purchase a bag today! Listen to the podcast for a discount code for 10% off your next purchase!!


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Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Spoilercast

by on May.26, 2017, under Avengers, Podcasts, Spoilercast

GotGVol2Featured2Better late than never, Iain and Gavin discuss James Gunn’s triumphant return to the Marvel COSMIC Universe in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

This is a spoiler podcast so if you’ve not seen the film we recommend you hold off listening to the podcast until you’ve seen it.

If you want to have your say email us on podcast@mcyapandfries.com, tweet us @mcyapandfries or reach us individually by tweeting Gavin at @gavyap or Iain at @mcnastyprime

We’d also appreciate it if you could take a look at our sponsor Greenroom 136.com. Head on over to greenroom136.com/shop and purchase a bag today.


Listen to the podcast for a discount code for 10% off your purchase!

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Captain America: Civil War on BFM

by on May.12, 2016, under Avengers, Newspost


We’re back!

We’ve got a brand a new regular podcast recorded and just awaiting some light editing before we unleash it upon the world but in the meantime perhaps our guest spot on another movie podcast can keep you entertained?

Gavin and I recently guested togehtger on “At the Movies” on BFM Radio FM89.9  with Umapagan Ampikaipakan to review Captain America Civil War. 

We keep things spoiler-free for the first part then deep dive into spoilers and our REAL feelings about the movie in the second half.

You can listen to the podcast using the player bel;ow or by going to http://www.bfm.my/captain-america-civil-war-at-the-movies-36.html

Let us know what you think and if you’d like to hear more of us on BFM by tweeting them or Uma or emailing us here at podcast@mcyapandfries.com!

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Mysterio writes

by on Jul.27, 2015, under Avengers, Podcasts

GR136-header_slim-left-570x108Welcome to a new era in McYapandFries history as we are proud to announce that McYapandFries movie podcast is now officially sponsored by Greenroom136.com.

Greenroom136 make laptop bags, camera bags wallets and “sidekeeps” all designed and handmade in Malaysia since 2011, so please check out http://greenroom136.com and take a look!

On this week’s show we run through our favourite news from San Diego Comic-Con, discuss Chris Pine’s “bahstahn  accaent”, and review Marvel’s Ant-Man and Ted 2.

Greenroom136 have also generously given us some fantastic prizes to give away: these TWO brand new Pocketbook Slims.

These are thin, simple Pocketbooks for people looking for a minimalist approach to carrying their finance, are exclusively made only for this contest and feature an officially licensed printed fabric of the Man of steel. Check them out in the  video below.
You’ll need to listen to the podcast to hear the question but you have until the end of August to email the answers to us at podcast@mcyapandfries.com!


As usual here’s links to anything we discussed on the show:


Cool Stuff!


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Guardians of the Galaxy Spoiler Cast

by on Aug.22, 2014, under Avengers, Podcasts

gotg wars

Awesome Star wars themed Poster from Matt Ferguson

Because no one demanded it, Gavin , Chi Ren and I geeked out over Guardians of the Galaxy, discussing everything about the film, from the cast, the plot, what we liked, what we didn’t and  it’s impact on the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Beautiful Art by Paul Shipper

Beautiful Art by Paul Shipper


If you like these sweet homage posters you can check out more over at Bluurpy.com here and here



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Friedkin Awesome!

by on Jul.30, 2014, under Avengers, Podcasts

Xena Warrior .. wait WHAT!!?

Fresh from the preview screening, this week’s podcast features our review of the latest instalment in phase 2 of the Marvel cinematic universe: Guardians of the Galaxy, as well was all the news that’s fit to talk about from San Diego Comic-Con including our first look at Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman from Batman v Superman:Dawn of Justice!

We also have reviews of Grand Piano starring Elijah Wood and John Cusack, Out of the Furnace with Christian Bale, 300: Rise of an Empire and Muppets Most Wanted.

As usual here’s the show notes:


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Captain America The Winter Spoiler-cast

by on Apr.28, 2014, under Avengers, Podcasts, Spoilercast

WARNING! PODCAST CONTAINS SPOILERS FROM THE VERY START FOR Captain America:The Winter Soldier, Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. (up to and including episode 19, 22nd Apr 2014, “The Only Light in the Darkness”) and Thor The Dark World!

In this special SPOILER-filled show Iain and guest Chi Ren discuss Captain America:The Winter Soldier in depth, discussing, amongst other things:

  • What we each thought of the film
  • Who that blonde chick was
  • The possible impact on the Marvel cinematic universe
  • What was with that computer thing
  • What lasting effects this could have on the Agents Of SHIELD TV show
  • What we think of the Agents Of SHIELD TV show

and why Captain America is “better” than Superman 😉

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by on Nov.01, 2013, under Avengers, Podcasts

On this week’s podcast we are proud to be joined by guest star Leon Tan of Imaginex Studiosand Tripod entertainment and the Malaysian

This week’s guest star, Leon Tan

producer of War of The Worlds:
Goliath, as we discuss at all the latest news and  trailers as well as reviewing Thor 2 The Dark World, Byzantium,  Cosmopolis and the 2013 remake of the Evil Dead.

Show Notes


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